5 Things
1. Reese Peanut Butter Cups.
2. Ginger Snaps.
3. Klausen Pickles.
4. Jell-O.
5. Chocolate Covered Raisins.
6***I can't believe I forgot my all time fave snack...TURTLES! YUM YUM YUM!
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
1. Anything Michael Jackson.
2. Anything Tea Party.
3. Groove Is In The Heart - Dee Lite.
4. Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice.
5. Can't Touch This - MC Hammer. There are MANY more, but these were the ones to pop in my head at the moment.
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Buy our dream home.
2. Set our kids up financially.
3. Get me my Cafe/Gallery.
4. Buy all my photography equiptment.
5. Buy a vacation home in the mountains.
Five bad habits:
1. Laziness.
2. Procrastinator.
3. Pack Rat.
4. Insecure.
5. Scatterbrain.
Five things you like doing:
1. Crafts.
2. Singing & Dancing. (they go together)
3. Puzzles. (The kinds where you have to fit shapes into a square...)
4. Playing with my Son.
5. Taking Pictures.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
1. A 20 something year old unmaintained house.
2. Neon socks.
3. MC Hammer pants.
4. Cheap Pillar Candles (the ones that don't burn properly & leave a huge pit).
5. My old plastic glasses from Jr. High. (They were HORRID! I played sports and they broke. My Dad GLUE GUNNED them back together again instead of buying new ones. Talk about devistation...no wonder I never had a boyfriend!)
Five favorite toys:
1. My Teddy Bear.
2. My PDA.
3. iPod.
4. My computers.
5. My boys. (Not in that way, you pervs!)